Cancellation Policy
Thank you for understanding that everyone's time is valuable!
While I understand emergencies happen, I ask that clients give as much notice as possible to allow for another client to fill their reserved spot. It is always appreciated when clients, unable to make their appointment, fill their spot with a friend or family member when they can. 24 hour advance notice is appreciated when canceling an appointment.
Appointment times are reserved with a credit card or prepaid gift certificate at the time of booking. When clients schedule an appointment I am reserving space in my schedule just for them.
Late arrivals
Clients who arrive late may have their session shortened in order to accommodate others whose appointments follow. Regardless of the length of the treatment actually given, late arriving clients will be responsible for the full session booked. Out of respect and consideration to your practitioner and other clients, please plan accordingly.
Clients who either forget or consciously choose to forgo their pre-paid appointment for reasons other than illness, inclement weather or an emergency will be considered a ‘no-show’ and no refunds will be issued.
Illness / Inclement Weather / Emergencies
Please do not risk your safety trying to make your appointment.
I will do my best to give advance notice if I am closing or need to cancel due to illness, inclement weather, or an emergency and ask clients to please do the same. Please call or text 315-243-3088 to reschedule your appointment with as much notice as you can.
I understand that illnesses do occur at inopportune times; if you have a fever, a known infection, or have experienced vomiting or diarrhea within 24 hours prior to your appointment time, I request that you cancel your session.
Late cancellation due to illness, inclement weather or emergency will, generally, not result in any missed session charges, but this is determined on a case-by-case basis at practitioner full discretion.
​Appointment Notifications
Clients are encouraged to add appointments to their calendars when they are scheduled as electronic reminders might not be possible if the system is down and notifications are not automatically sent.
I look forward to working with you!